6:00 am -Still in position I fell asleep in. What in the world am I weraring? Must not have gotten myself into pyjamas last night. Still wearing jewlery. Jack perpendicular in bed. Uggh! Forgot to finish an assignment for the professor. Grab computer, get dressed. Complete assignment. Tommy pulling out of driveway. Sigh, didn't get my kiss goodbye. Beeep Beeep. Grace's alarm. Got to go, go, go!!
6:30 am Kiss to Grace, start laundry. Fold scrubs. Do Grace's hair. Look in mirror. Uggh. Get myself looking better. Blue shirt. No purple, no blue. Purple. Boys wrestled into clothes. Jack runs around like a wild man yelling "ball, ball, ball!! Woof woof!!". Ben pees on the floor. Mommy discovers pee. Benjamin discovers he will be cleaning up said pee. Grace downstairs to pack up. Still wrestling boys. Ben makes his bed. Grace calls calmly from downstairs where she's been doing her chore chart, "Mommy, an ant is biting me." Wrestle, wrestle. "What do you mean an ant is biting you?" Grace walks upstairs and there is an ant attached to her finger, indeed biting her. "Grace, honey, why didn't you get him off?" "Because if I put him back on the floor, he might bite someone else." She had been picking up ants that had made their way in through the front door so that she could take them outside. Big hug to Grace. "Thank you for trying to protect us, sweetie. Remember it's important to take care of yourself too, right?" Right, mommy. Mommy wipes a couple of tears before Grace can see. Mommy smushes ant savagely as it represents all the future bullies who are going to inevitably be drawn towards my little girl. Damn you ant. You were being rescued, you ingrate. sigh.
7:30 scramble eggs. Whoa. Got to go, go, go. Jack climbs on table. Benjamin spills cereal all over the floor. Grace already in the car. Change Ben's clothes, catch Jack. Bottle, shoes. move. "Can we listen to Jean val Jean?" Sure, sweetie. Gloss over prostitution parts. Turn down music here, inn keeper song skip, explain dilemma with Javert. Benjamin in rear view mirror has the grumpy face and is punching the beat of the music with his fist. "Dats da bad man, wight?" Right. Grace gives herself a pep talk about walking in by herself "I can do this! I know I can" Courage wavers as we pull up. Door opens, head up and she's marching....Ben: "I miss Gwacie," Me too, sweetie.
8:30 Target. Pep talk to self. Ok, boys. Here we go. Jack stands straight up. Jack fit. Jack crawling all over me. In the cart. Standing up. In. Up. In. Up. Running. Catch that kiiiiid!!! Pull baby food, pull toys, pull socks, sweaters, shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes.....!!!! Catch that kiiiid! No pull down, Jack!!! Benjamin offers to catch him. Jack goes limp so I can't pick him up. Hallelujah, boots that look like Laura Ingalls boots for Grace who's obsessed. Wait, jack. Size 11? Where are you-- Jack! Wait!! Got the boots! Yes. Grace;s halloween costume complete. In the cart. Jack in the car. Jack up. Jack over shoulder, one handed cart push. Graham crackers. Jack down. Jack poops.
9:10 Park. Chase, chase. Pretend we're on a train, stop at ocean, don't eat that Jack. Sing, sing, chase, Shark chase!! Swiiiimmm, It's not a dog, Jack. Woof. Squirrel, honey. Squirrel. Woof. Squirrel, sweetie. Woof. Squirrel. Woof. Squirrel. Woof. Woof. Woof. Whatever. Ben pees in bush, tells me "I do it all by myself. It's my job." awesome.
10:10 Put Jack in baby carrier on my back. Little Gym!!! And, we're running! And we're chasing! And we're running!!! JAck still on my back.And my back is breaking. Don't even care. Middle child is so happy he can barely contain himself. Tickle monster!!!! Jack getting heavier.....Ben smiling. Ben dangling from bars. Back breaking. Big hug from Benjamin and walking on air....
11:20 Frozen Yogurt day! Jack climbs a table. Jack eats some chalk. Climbs the sofa. Down, Climb table. Chair. run around like a wild man. Chasing, catching eating yogurt. Chocolate mouths on both Things 1 and 2.
12:00 "Mommy, we wisten to Miss Donn?" Who in the world...."Oh!! Jean Val Jean!?" Play Les Mis, heart bursting that he likes this stuff. Boys asleep in car!!! SWEEET!! Jack in his bed, Ben on sofa. Switch laundry, take down Grace's spring clothes into box. Tidy. Aaah, plop in chair to read Tools of the Mind so I can understand Vygotskian approach to education. Soo good. Hmm. What's that? Ben pees in sleep. Clean up. Ben still asleep. Friend calls. I have friends that I call for their specific expertise-- recipes, a listening ear, where to get a deal. I'm apparently the boob expert. Good chat about whether or not she has mastitis or clogged milk duct. My guess clogged duct. Heat compress on the sucker and pump. Laugh about how she weaned her baby off of breastfeeding. Honey on her nipples! HAHAHA Mad props for innovative techniques. Apparently she tried this after the pickle juice didn't deter her nurser. Tidy while talking. Laughter after the boob conversation wakes up Jack. Read to Jack. Ben wakes up. and he is MAD. "Where mine paannnts?" sigh.
2:40 Play outside for a minute. Ben attempts to pee on a bush. Moons a neighbor in the process. Just his job, folks. Into the car. Stop poking Jack. Stop. Poking. Jack!! Pick up Grace, Play on playground. Talk to a mom as I chase Jack. Jack's soaking wet? ahh, diaper fell off. Boys, seriously? Talk to a mom who tells me she's just really careful about who she lets watch her child because she was older when she had him at age 37. I had my first at 23. I just leave mine with our dogs or something when I need to run to the store. Or, I just tie the baby to the crib. They'll be fine. Seriously, lady?
4:15 Play with neighbors, play, play, play. Talk with new mom whose husband just got deployed. Feeling lucky.
5:30 Bath. Ben pees in potty! Woo hoo! Call from daddy. Stuck at work. Awful day and is so disappointed he won't see the kids. Jack out of bath. Jack: "da da da da da!!!!" and punching air with his finger. Sigh. This is Jack's version of the Drew Brees pep talk that Tommy plays over and over on youtube. I chime in, "Win again, again, again, again!" Jack beams. Note to self, find something cultural on youtube. Show to baby.
6:00 Dinner. Noodles, pees, and "troll fingers" (ocra) Everyone hungry and restless. The balance of power could shift and my back up's not coming home until late. Throw them some cereal. Quiet time in the book room. Ben reads to Grace. Grace writes a book. Grace shows me the book but explains that I might not recognize the words because they are in cursive...and spanish. She did write out "crocodile" in plain handwriting and spelled it phonetically but it was the spanish word for crocodile so I can't really be sure what it was. Can't find Jack. Find Jack. Standing on the table in the book room, chewing a green crayon. Whole belly green. Reminds me when Grace ate green paint. I asked her what it tasted like, she said mustard. Oh, the irony that my kids love green art supplies. Green food, not so much even if you call it troll fingers. Over dinner, Ben keeps cracking himself up with his "calmed down" face that he almost falls off the chair. He keeps washing his food in his water cup. Almost gets a time out. Mommy takes cup. Grace says he's a racoon. Cracks up. For some reason I look up and Ben is only in his underwear at the table. Jack standing in his high chair. Dishes back to the sink.
7:00 Family meeting. All those here say aye. Aye! All those absent say , Nay. Nay! Discuss weekend. Jack attempts to eat dog food. Maybe zoo tomorrow. Grace organized a Laura Ingalls party for tomorrow with her neighbor, friend over from school, maybe pumpkin patch, saints game.
7:45 Cleaning blitz. Mommy gets on Snow White costume. Ben ALL smiles. He bows his head for me to kiss him like the dwarves got a kiss. And, I kiss his stuffed dog. "Ok!" (best princess voice) "Let's tidy up the place!" Grace likes to be the bunny from the movie that dusts with her tail. House tidied. Jack dumps the large bucket of toys. Daddy home!!
8:00 Daddy puts Jack to sleep. Ben reads four books. I read Where the Red Fern Grows to Grace. Grace wants to train our dogs to be coon hunters. We have toy poodles. Buuut, I promise we'll give it a shot. Read more, Mommy. Eyes big when Little Ann falls into the river. Explain a couple of words. Explain different uses of language. Daddy comes into to give goodnight kisses. Says we're having a saints peprally tomorrow. Down Panthers. Ben falls asleep curled up next to Grace. Ben to his bed. Mommy downstairs. Aaahh. Email friends about getting together. Jack wakes up. Draft an email about coaching cheerleading. Email friend to say that Tommy thinks she doesn't need antibiotics for that messed up boob issue. Blog. Bed. Get into pyjamas this time. And, a few hours before I have the privilege of doing it all again tomorrow...
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